Dr. Benjamin Chicka has a PhD in Religion from Claremont Graduate University. He currently serves as a lecturer of philosophy and religion at Curry College. He is the author of the book, Playing as Others, which will be the main topic of our conversation today. He is interested in how video games can be used as a source of positive ethical formation, leading people to eventually act more empathetically in society at large, particularly towards people who have been historically marginalized.
Key questions: how do we learn to act ethically? What tools do we have to train ourselves in the direction that we hope to go? Should videogames be a part of this formation strategy or are they merely diversions?
Potentially helpful links:
Book: https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481315463/playing-as-others/
Gamergate info: https://www.vox.com/2014/9/6/6111065/gamergate-explained-everybody-fighting
Forums/video game communities
Papers please
Exploitation in the video game industry
Music: “Dreams” from Bensound.com
Episode art: Julia Donohue