How to use generative AI ethically

Center for Mind and Culture / May 16, 2023


Generative AI has been at the forefront of discussions about the future of almost every field recently. It has the potential to drastically transform how we work and how we think. In many ways, the transformation has already begun. Tools like ChatGPT, Bing, and Bard have gained traction quickly and are developing so rapidly that industry experts and policymakers are unable to keep up.


CMAC co-founder and Executive Director Dr. Wesley J. Wildman has been a leading voice in these conversations. In February, Dr. Wildman tasked his Data, Society, and Ethics class at Boston University with creating a policy for the use of generative AI tools in academic settings. The class had a discussion about how to incorporate generative AI into the curriculum.


Dr. Wildman acknowledged that it was difficult for him to know how to grade assignments when students could be using AI to generate their answers. But additionally, he wanted to have the opportunity to set clear expectations with students about how they could use the technology to assist their learning, without compromising the skills they will need for a future driven by AI.