15: Information Asymmetry in the App Economy – The Case of the Doordash Strike with Bernd Dürrwächter

Seth and Bernd Dürrwächter discuss the summer Doordash app strike and the state of the app economy. Bernd is principal at AnalyticDimensions.com, a consultancy for big data analytics & data science projects.  On July 31st, 2021, Doordashers protested decreased wages and the striking down of the app Para, which allowed drivers to see how much… Continue reading 15: Information Asymmetry in the App Economy – The Case of the Doordash Strike with Bernd Dürrwächter

14: NFTs and the Future of Art with Timothée Mathon

Seth interviews Timothée Mathon. Timothée is a French freelance artist. He has experience working as a Concept Artist, Art Director and Illustrator for the AAA Videogame and Movie industry (Ubisoft, Quantic Dream, Netflix, and Net Ease Games). He designed a collection of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) and heavily advocates for the independence of artists in the… Continue reading 14: NFTs and the Future of Art with Timothée Mathon

13: Exploring Attention and Virtue through Science Fiction with Emanuelle Burton

Seth sits down with Dr. Emmanuelle Burton to talk about ethics education for CS students and how reaching more science fiction might help us to pay better attention to our circumstances. Emanuelle obtained her PhD in Religion and Literature from the. University of Chicago Divinity School. She teaches ethics in the Department of Computer Science, University… Continue reading 13: Exploring Attention and Virtue through Science Fiction with Emanuelle Burton