AI Gods & ChatGPT religions are coming – they will be better than human priests & they could turn evil, warns experts

INTELLIGENT AI robots are coming - and they will have the ability to perform religious ceremonies and could even turn against humans, experts have warned.

The U.S. Sun / March 18, 2023


As AI becomes more prominent in our day to day lives, it wasn’t going to be long before the worlds of religion and tech merged. The thought of robot Gods and ChatGPT sermons terrifies some people – and rightly so, according to experts. Wesley Wildman, Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics, and of Computing and Data Sciences at Boston University, told The Sun that he believes AI will soon be able to perform religious duties even better than human priests.


He said: “AIs will write better sermons than most preachers, give better bible studies than most teachers, create amazing music and visual art for use in services and communications that struggling religious groups don’t have to pay for”.